This assumes a user does not have Content Manager as their SSRS role and SSRS is set up more or less as it comes out of the box.
The Problem
If a user hits subscribe on a report then the chooses email as the delivery option they will see that the To field has been pre-populated with their windows login. They will not have the permissions need to change this setting. This is fine if you are running Exchange as it will resolve the login against the Active Directory and work out the real email address.
If you are not running Exchange it is not so fine.
The fix
You need to make a change to the rsreportserver.config file.
This should be under C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.3\Reporting Services\ReportServer by default – if you installed SQL somewhere else then the first part of this path will be wrong.
Open up this file and look for a value <sendemailtouseralias> under <rsemaildpconfiguration>. If this is set to True, as it is by default, you will get the problem above. If it is set to False the To field will be blank and the user can enter an email address.